Active sitting is the exact opposite of the static sitting.

Static sitting is the sitting when the seat is rigid and results in continuous mechanical loading of the muscles and tissues.  It contributes to adverse health effects. The human body does not adapt when staying for a long time in a restricted attitude. Abdominal muscles can not only relax others even lose their physical activity.

Prolonged spine stop, without physical movement and mobilization of the spinal canal, can reduce joint lubrication. This increases the stiffness, which can be detrimental to the health of our torso and waist. Traffic, especially in the legs, may also be adversely affected. In fact, back pain and movement discomfort are part of a rising warning snowball resulting partly from extensive static seat position.

In addition, stationary stops on a computer can place the upper back and neck muscles in tension positions. When combined with stress factors, they contribute to muscle tension and pain.

Change your lifestyle and sit well to feel better.

Active Sitting, A New Way to Sit!


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